Friday, June 24, 2016


One of the most sacred Hindu temples of Nepal PASHUPATINATH TEMPLE is located on both side bank of Bagmati River on the eastern of Kathmandu(Capital City) valley. Pashupatinath is the most important temple dedicated to god Shiva. The main temple is pashupatinath is building with a bunk roof and a golden spire and four doors all covered by silver sheets. The two stored roof is made from copper and is covered with gold. The rule of the temple is only Hinduism can enter the main temple but all other temple are available for forigner to visit. It is also very common to meet sadhus in pashupatinath area. They are believe to liberation from the cycle of death and reborn by meditating.
Sadhus are unique appearance with the specifies yellow painting on their whole bodies.

Many people believed that who die pashupatinath temple are reborn as a human. Pashupatinath temple located in bank of Bagmati River   3km northwest of Kathmandu. It is attract thousands of pilgrims each year and has become well known for beyond the Kathmandu valley. Tradition to says it was constructed by pashupatinath by pashupreksha of the somadera dynasty in the 3rd century but historical records date from 13th century. Hindu pilgrim believe the power of god and they are perform the puja. Pashupatinath temple's extensive grounds includes many other old and important temples shrines and statues.

Many festival celebration in their thousand of people attend the celebrate the festival. Main festival are Maha shivarattri,Bala chaturthi and Teej. Only Bhatta and Bhatt are perform the daily ritual and can touch the lingam where as other many Bhadaries are the helper taker priests but not Qualified perform pooja and touch lingam. Inside the main temple located the lingam. And also only hindus are allowed to enter the main temple.  

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Pokhara is remarkable natural beauty place in the world 827m height from the sea level and 200km west of kathmandu valley. temperature around 15 degree celsius in winter  and 35 in summer.The serenity of lakes and the magnificence of the Himalayas rising behind them create and ambience of peace and magic. Pokhara is most popular tourist  destination in Nepal.It has got the various place like KL Singh Bridge,Fewa lake,devi's falls Buddist temple Bindabasini mandir,Museum etc. Many adventure activities organized from here paragliding,Mountain flight trekking,Rafting etc.

1) Phewa lake:-
Phewa lake is second largest lake in the kingdom.The lake is best situated for boating,bird watching and especially photographing the scenic mountains.Boat  trip in the phewa lake more more attraction in the pokhara. Another attraction is reflection of mount anapurana and machhapuchhre range of the crystal clear water of the lake.
2)Devi's Fall:-
Locally known as patale chhango, is an awesome waterfalls lying about 2km south west of pokhara airport on the highway to Tansen. The water is the drainage of the phewa lake and submerge into the earth creating the wonderful waterfall and one of the wonderful of the valley.
3)Mahendra Cave:-
Mahendra cave locally called chamero guffa ("house of bats") is the large limestone's discover around 1950 BS and located in 2 hours walk to north in pokhara.
4) Sarangkot:
Sarangkot is another Top 10 Places to visit in Pokhara Nepal. It is situated at 1500 meters which is a former fort of Kaski Kings. An early morning drive to watch the sunrise is the best recommended trip. Nowhere else in the world can one enjoy such a magnificent panorama up so close. Starting from Dhaulagiri in the extreme left, the view includes Annapurna South, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , and Machapuchhre and Lamjung. Sarangkot is here is list of places to visit in Pokhara, Nepal but Sarangkot lies places to visit around the Pokhara. It is not far from town city of Pokhara.

and also many place are promoted to the tourism in Pokhara. mainly pokhara is natural beauty and attractive place in the world.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Bhaktapur daurbar square is world heritage property which is located in center in Bhaktapur city it's rich culture,Temples,and Wood metal and stone artwork. "Bhaktapur Durbar Square"  the city is also known, is a museum of medieval art architecture with many examples of sculpture, wood carving and colossal pagoda temples conscrated to different gods and goddesses which is 15 km far from kathmandu. The most attractive destination for ass well as  Nepali tourism and international tourism.  This area called local language"Layaku"  in newari language. And some people called Royal Dream Temple.

About Bhaktapur Daubar Squre:
The Statue Of King Bhupatidra Malla:
 This statue showing King Bhupatindra Malla in the act of worship is set on a column facing the palace. Of the square's many statues, this is considered to be the most magnificent.
The art of gallery:
 The Art Gallery contains ancient paintings belonging to the Hindu and Buddhist traditions of various periods and descriptions. This gallery is open everyday except Tuesday.

The palaces of fifty-five windows:
This magnificent palace was built during the reign of King Yakshya Malla in A.D. 1427 and was subsequently remodelled by King Bhupatindra Malla in the seventeenth century. Among the brick walls with their gracious setting and sculptural design, is a balcony with Fifty-five Windows, considered to be a unique masterpiece of woodcarving.
Pottery Square:
Still many potter working with there traditional wooden wheels various shape and size.Now-a-days many people working there making different kind of architecture for selling the goods.
Wakuputi narayan Temple:
Wakuputi Narayan Temple is one 15th century Temple.This is located in also Bhaktapur Daubar Square area.

So, In the above description show the how many beauty Bhaktapur Daubar Square.It is natural beautiful place  yearly many national and international visiter visit in Bhaktapur Daubar Square.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


 Annapurna Base camp Trekking is also known as Annapurna Sanctuary. There are many Mountains with different height altitude peaks such as Annapurna south, Machapuchare (Fishtail) 6,993m, Mt. Mt. Annapurna II 7,939m, Mt. Annapurna III 7,555m, Mt. Annapurna IV 7,525m, Mt. Lamjung Himal 6,986m, Mt. Hiuchuli 6441m, etc also hundreds of Peaks in Annapurna region UN-known and you will enjoy with Nature, Culture, localities and friendly peoples are inhabitants of the area. Once you don’t miss to take natural hot Bath, which is an Amazing enjoyable thing in your lifetime. The ABC trek can do in-between 10 - 12 days so it will be depending on your hiking speed and time Limit.This is easy- classic trek to Annapurna region. Annapurna is an exotic view of snow-capped mountains.  
The locals we will encounter in Annapurna Base Camp Route are mix ethnic groups; there are Brahmans and Chhetris in lower elevations and Mongoloid Himalayan people in Himalaya. Mostly there are Gurung and Magar people in the area, famous for Gurkha regiment. If you would like to explore more cultural and traditional heritages in Himalaya then Wilderness Excursion suggest you to trek to Langtang, Manaslu, and Everest region. But no doubt that Annapurna is the best for scenery as some 55000 people trek there every year.

Annapurna Base Camp Trekking Trail takes us to a journey to discover beauty of various mountain range,We follow our trail through the Rhododendron forests of the Hinku Cave passing via the Gurung villages of Chomrong and Landrung, ascending up through Modi Khola. The path along the Modi khola provides a spectacular view of Mt Fishtail than back to same way down and we will change the way from Chhomorong to Ghandruk Gurung Village. This Village will provides you Magnificent view of  South Annapurna , Himchuli and Fishtail again for last minute’s to explore the Himalayan beauties in this region and we will finally trek down to till Nayapul and catch bus to Pokhara. When you will be in Pokhara it gives more enjoyment after the trek and you will visit in Pokhara city take relax and next day drive back to Kathmandu. You can do something special in Kathmandu before departure to your country, you don’t miss to visit sightseeing, world Heritage sites and last minutes shopping  would be wonderful program with us. 


 Kathmandu Durbar Square in the heart of old Kathmandu city in Basantapur never fails to impress first time visitors with its intricate wood carvings and rich history. Surrounded by concrete buildings, the complex is an oasis in a fast developing, chaotic modern city. Once the residence of Nepal's Royal family, all coronation ceremonies were held here. The palace is an amalgamation of eastern and western architecture with additions by Rana and Shah rulers over the centuries. An unbelievable 50 temples lie within the vicinity including the temple of the titular deity, Taleju Bhawani. The Durbar is divided into two courtyards, the outer Kasthamandap, Kumari Ghar, and Shiva-Parvati Temple, and the inner section consisting of Hanuman Dhoka and the main palace. Some floors have been converted to museums dedicated to three generations of Shah kings. Most parts of the palace premises are open to tourists throughout the week. 
Several buildings in the Square collapsed due to a major earthquake on 25 April 2015. Durbar Square was surrounded with spectacular architecture and vividly showcases the skills of the Newar artists and craftsmen over several centuries. The Royal Palace was originally at Dattaraya square and was later moved to the Durbar square.
The Jagannath Temple, built in the 16th century is known for the fascinating erotic figures carved on the wooden struts. 

Monday, June 13, 2016


 When this temple was founded about 2,000 years ago, Kathmandu Valley was filled with a great lake. According to Buddhist legend, a single perfect lotus grew in the center of the lake. When the bodhisattva Manjusri drained the lake with a slash of his sword, the lotus flower settled on top of the hill and magically transformed into the stupa. Thus it is known as the Self-Created (swayambhu) Stupa

The Buddhist temple of Swayambhunath, situated on the top of a hill, west of Kathmandu, is one of the most popular, holy and instantly recognizable symbols of Nepal. The temple is colloquially known as the 'monkey temple' because of the large tribe of roving monkeys who guard the temple.

Swayambhunath Stupa is a golden spire crowning a conical wooded hill. It is the most ancient and enigmatic of all the holy shrines in Kathmandu Valley. It has a lofty white dome and a glittering golden spire that are visible from all sides of the valley. Historical records found on a stone inscription give evidence that the stupa was already an important Buddhist pilgrimage destination by the 5th century A.D. i.e. before the coming of Buddhism in the valley. 


Lumbini that means 'The Lovely One' in Sanskrit is a famous Buddhist site in the Lumbini District Zone of Nepal. Lumbini is considered the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. Many a times referred as 'The Light of Asia', Buddha was the founder of Buddhism faith. His period is estimated to be approximately between 563 and 483 BC. 
According to Buddhist tradition, Maya Devi (or Mayadevi) gave birth to the Buddha on her way to her parent's home in Devadaha in the month of May in the year 642 BC. Feeling the onset of labor pains, she grabbed hold of the branches of a shade tree and gave birth to Siddharta Gautama, the future Buddha. The Buddha is said to have announced, "This is my final rebirth" as he entered the world. Buddhist tradition also has it that he walked immediately after his birth and took seven steps, under each of which a lotus flower bloomed.
Lumbini is located in the south-central Terai of Nepal, situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. For millions of Buddhists the world over, it evokes a kind of holy sentiment akin to the significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Mecca to Muslims. Lumbini is the place where Lord Buddha - the apostle of peace, and the Light of Asia - was born in 623 B.C. In historical terms, the region is an exquisite treasure-trove of ancient ruins and antiquities, dating back to the pre-Christian era. The site (Lumbini Grove) was described as a beautiful garden in the Buddha's time and still retains its legendary charm and beauty. Both the Shakyas and Kolias Clans owned the garden and its tranquil environs at the time of Lord Buddha's birth. King Suddhodana, father of Buddha was of the Shakya Dynasty belonging to the Kshatriya or Warrior Caste.

Lumbini is located 25kms east of the municipality of Kapilvastu. Kapilvastu was the seat of governance of the then kingdom of Nepal. In the year 1896, the Indo-British archaeology team discovered a great stone pillar at the site. Later that pillar was attributed to Ashoka, the Mauryan ruler and propagator of Buddhism. The records maintained by Fa Hein were also taken in to consideration in the process. For Buddhists, this is one of four pilgrimage sites based around the life of Gautam Buddha, the other three being Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya, and Sarnath. Going by its cultural, religious and historical importance, UNESCO declared Lumbini, a world heritage site in the year 1997.

The place is famous for Maya Devi temple. It is believed that the present temple has been built at the place where Queen Maya gave birth to lord Buddha. Another important structure is the Ashoka pillar. Apart from that Lumbini has ruins of various Stupas and monasteries. Then there is Pushkarni pond where Queen Maya took bath before giving birth to Buddha.

The Lumbini region comes under Lumbini Trust, an NGO. Foreign pilgrims here have constructed new temples and monasteries. The Buddhist associations of China, Myanmar and Gautami Nuns have their separate pagodas. The ones by Japan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam are under construction.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Historically, the stupa was an important staging post on the trade route between Lhasa and Kathmandu  and Tibetan traders would pray here for a safe journey before driving their yaks on to the high passes of the Himalaya. Originally a Tamang settlement, today most of the people living in the village of Boudha (pronounced boe-da) are Tibetan refugees who fled China after 1959. The stupa also attracts many Sherpas, descendants of eastern Tibetans who migrated to the Everest region of Nepal  in the 16th century. Many of the monasteries around the stupa have opened their doors to foreign students, so you’ll see plenty of Western dharma students in maroon robes as you stroll around the backstreets.
The first stupa at Bodhnath was built sometime after AD 600, when the Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo, converted to Buddhism. In terms of grace and purity of line, no other stupa in Nepal comes close to Bodhnath. From its whitewashed dome to its gilded tower painted with the all-seeing eyes of the Buddha, the monument is perfectly proportioned. The stupa had a lucky escape in the 2015 earthquake and repairs to the tower are expected to be completed within a few months.
According to legend, the king constructed the stupa as an act of penance after unwittingly killing his father. The first stupa was wrecked by Mughal invaders in the 14th century, so the current stupa is a more recent construction.
The highly symbolic construction serves in essence as a three-dimensional reminder of the Buddha’s path towards enlightenment. The plinth represents earth, the kumbha (dome) is water, the harmika (square tower) is fire, the spire is air and the umbrella at the top is the void or ether beyond space. The 13 levels of the spire represent the stages that a human being must pass through to achieve nirvana. Stupas were originally built to house holy relics and some claim that Bodhnath contains the relics of the past Buddha, Kashyapa, while others say it contains a piece of bone from the skeleton of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha. Around the base of the stupa are 108 small images of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha (108 is an auspicious number in Tibetan culture) and a ring of prayer wheels, set in groups of four or five into 147 niches. To reach the upper level of the plinth, look for the gateway at the north end of the stupa, beside a small shrine dedicated to Hariti (Ajima), the goddess of smallpox. The plinth is open from 5am to 6pm (till 7pm in summer), offering a raised viewpoint over the tide of pilgrims surging around the stupa. Note the committed devotees prostrating themselves full-length on the ground in the courtyard on the east side of the stupa.



KATHMANDU is  capital city and largest municipality in Nepal.The other sister city is patan, Lalitpur and bhakatapur .Tourism is the other important sector which generates the highest income to the country, it is also sometimes referred to as the “third religion” of Nepal. Nepal was open as a tourist destination for outsiders in the 1950s. Establishment of air services and the opening of the Tribhuvan Highway between Kathmandu and Raxaul at the border with India in 1956 were started. The Tourism Development Board, Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation Department, was started in Kathmandu to promote tourism. Nepal also became the member of several international tourists associations. Building diplomatic relations with other nations was the other important factor to promote tourism. In Nepal and in Kathmandu, the hotel industry, travel agencies, training of tourist guides and targeted publicity campaigns are the chief reasons which contribute to the remarkable growth of this industry.
Tourism is a major source of income for most of the people of the city with some several thousands of visitors annually. There are various religious places within and around the city. A large number of Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims from all over the world visit these religious places like: Pashupatinath temple, Swayambhunath stupa, Boudhanath stupa, Budhanilkantha temple etc. However, the number of tourists visiting Nepal has declined recently, with political instability in the county. But with the country turning into a Democratic Republic, the visitor’s ratio has shown a rising trend. The Himalayas and the rich cultural heritage of the country, attributes to the growing tourism.

Thamel a major tourist hub in Kathmandu is packed with guest houses, restaurants, shops and bookstores catering to the tourists needs. Another alternative to Thamel is the Freak Street, also known as Jochhen Tole. This was the original traveler’s haunt made popular by the hippies of the 1970s.