Thursday, June 23, 2016


Pokhara is remarkable natural beauty place in the world 827m height from the sea level and 200km west of kathmandu valley. temperature around 15 degree celsius in winter  and 35 in summer.The serenity of lakes and the magnificence of the Himalayas rising behind them create and ambience of peace and magic. Pokhara is most popular tourist  destination in Nepal.It has got the various place like KL Singh Bridge,Fewa lake,devi's falls Buddist temple Bindabasini mandir,Museum etc. Many adventure activities organized from here paragliding,Mountain flight trekking,Rafting etc.

1) Phewa lake:-
Phewa lake is second largest lake in the kingdom.The lake is best situated for boating,bird watching and especially photographing the scenic mountains.Boat  trip in the phewa lake more more attraction in the pokhara. Another attraction is reflection of mount anapurana and machhapuchhre range of the crystal clear water of the lake.
2)Devi's Fall:-
Locally known as patale chhango, is an awesome waterfalls lying about 2km south west of pokhara airport on the highway to Tansen. The water is the drainage of the phewa lake and submerge into the earth creating the wonderful waterfall and one of the wonderful of the valley.
3)Mahendra Cave:-
Mahendra cave locally called chamero guffa ("house of bats") is the large limestone's discover around 1950 BS and located in 2 hours walk to north in pokhara.
4) Sarangkot:
Sarangkot is another Top 10 Places to visit in Pokhara Nepal. It is situated at 1500 meters which is a former fort of Kaski Kings. An early morning drive to watch the sunrise is the best recommended trip. Nowhere else in the world can one enjoy such a magnificent panorama up so close. Starting from Dhaulagiri in the extreme left, the view includes Annapurna South, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , and Machapuchhre and Lamjung. Sarangkot is here is list of places to visit in Pokhara, Nepal but Sarangkot lies places to visit around the Pokhara. It is not far from town city of Pokhara.

and also many place are promoted to the tourism in Pokhara. mainly pokhara is natural beauty and attractive place in the world.

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